Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Obama. Osama, Odama, and the list goes on Why are these names popping up everywhere?

When the "Make Kony famous" was going on. Which took place March 5th 2012. The picture and article below (The very last picture, the one of the article) was from 2004. Obama became president 2008.

I went to a website and on it was a picture of Osama Bin Laden.
On the same website in text, was Barrack Hussein Obama
And below that was The Archbishop of Gulu John Baptist Odama
For me to see those three on the same page on a website was kind of strange, but I didn't think nothing of it for a while. I did think about the bible where it talks about the false prophet, satan and the antichrist. But I really didn't think too much of it.

Today I found a website that is talking about Obama's cousin, this guys name is Odinga... Here they are right here.
Hussein Obama campaigning with his cousin Odinga

Here's a list now and these names keep showing up, now I think I will pat attention;

  • Obama
  • Osama
  • Odama
  • Odinga
  • Ocaya

Just found another one in an article with the Kony movement, but this is before the facebook rage on Kony, and this guys name is Ocaya So I will add it to the list. Here is the article in case this one goes missing too. I know there is something going on here, just can't figure it out yet, maybe I never will, but if there is something to it, Please comment below. 

Archbishop Backs 'Captured' Priests.

Sep 02, 2002 (The Monitor/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX)
Kitgum RDC Lt. Okot-Lapolo, military and intelligence organs were informed of last week's meeting between three priests and LRA rebels, Archbishop John Baptist Odama has said.
Odama says the authorities also allowed the priests to take a small quantity of drugs requested for by LRA commander Toopaco
Odama, also head of the Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative, said in a press release yesterday that the three priests were wrongly accused of making unsanctioned contacts with the rebels.
"It was agreed at a meeting with the authorities on Aug. 26 that the priests would convey a …

Archbishop Backs 'Captured' Priests

Here is a picture of it, in case this one goes missing in cyberland.

So if you have any information about what's going on here, please comment below.

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