Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Eugenics Movement In America: Define Eugenics

America had a real handle on eugenics years ago, they showed you exactly the way people should look, feel and how parents can improve the world in three generations. 
I don't have to tell you how insane this is, you only need to look at the picture below to start to understand that the ones behind this are the ones who need to reevaluate what narcissistic turn they have made in their lives. Actually I take that back, it wasn't a narcissistic turn they took, they were born narcissists. Maybe they can fix that with their little experiments, but then, that would stop their narcissism and they wouldn't do such ridiculous propaganda operations.

This has gone further than most people know, with Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, we should be looking on how they are hiding themselves today. 
Think about;
Agenda 21
Vaccines - Autism, etc...

Now-a-days they don't come out with propaganda panphlets for people, they do it right in front of your eyes and they are getting away with it... More to come
The link for this site is right below the photo, so check it out and make sure you come back for new information on "define eugenics".

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